Board of Directors

Teen V.I.B.E's board of directors are the people behind the scene who make our business thrive.  They are passionate about community and embrace the vision inspired by the Founder.

Gloria Bealore-Prince, PhD

Founder & CEO

Dr. Gloria Bealore-Prince is a philanthropist in the Colorado Springs area with a passion for helping others.  Based on a God given vision, Gloria was inspired to initiate Teen V.I.B.E to help youth who struggle to find their purpose in life.  Dr. Bealore-Prince has a MBA in Technology Management and a PhD in nonprofit leadership.  She has various experience working with youth to include both children's and youth ministry.  Her major focus is on supporting and building community-based programs and collaborations that can offer a broad spectrum of opportunities for youth in the Colorado Springs area.  Her major role surrounds  strategic planning, program management and development, and community outreach.

Denise Rivera


Fred Prince Jr.